Using machine learning for contract review in due diligence and corporate contract management
Ask any transactional lawyer about the contract review process, and you will likely hear the horror stories: Tedious hours reviewing thousands of pages of contracts.
At the inflection point: the CMO's role in reinventing law firm business models
In May, I had an opportunity to join the Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Leadership Forum* in New York, where I led a roundtable on the role of lawyering technology in marketing the law firm of the future.
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Will your next lawyer be a machine? - Presentation at SXSW
Sunday, at the South By Southwest Interactive Conference, Nicole Bradick of CuroLegal and I presented on “Will Your Next Lawyer Be A Machine?
Audio/Slides of Noah's Talk at ILTA14 Online
In late August, I spoke at ILTA14 with Ryan McClead, Michael Mills (Neota Logic), Stuart Barr (HighQ), and Joshua Lennon (Clio).
DiligenceEngine Covered in "Robert Ambrogi's LawSites"
Earlier this month, Bob Ambrogi put up a quite thorough description of our contract review system on his “LawSites” blog. For those unfamiliar with Bob’s work, he is among the leading writers on legal technology.
Noah Presenting at ReInvent Law
Noah Waisberg - Better Contract Review from ReInvent Law Channel. Here’s the tape of me presenting at ReInvent Law NYC, which was held at Cooper Union’s Great Hall on February 7, 2014.
People Make Mistakes in Contract Review. Here's How.
Optimal contract review conditions? Two of the main drivers behind building the DiligenceEngine contract review system were that (1) contract review really needs to be done accurately and (2) the junior lawyers who typically do due diligence contract review sometimes make mistakes in this work.
Automated Contract Review in The Wall Street Journal
Automated contract review came up in a recent piece in The Wall Street Journal on “The Data Companies Wish They Had.